Berlin Review Audio

Gespräche mit Autor:innen von Berlin Review

Berlin Review Audio

Neueste Episoden

Why Do We Live Here?

Why Do We Live Here?

71m 15s

Berlin Review Editor Tobias Haberkorn speaks to Ryan Ruby and Lauren Oyler about expats, emigration, the politics of nostalgia – and why they still believe in Berlin.

Specters of Inflation

Specters of Inflation

44m 10s

BLNR editor Samir Sellami speaks with Cristina Rivera Garza and Alan Pauls about the politics and aesthetics of inflation

Yevgenia Belorusets im Gespräch

Yevgenia Belorusets im Gespräch

35m 30s

Yevgenia Belorusets spricht mit Tobias Haberkorn über ihren Essay «Kein Ende des Krieges» aus Berlin Review Nr. 1, Februar 2024